Most people think I’m crazy for wanting to travel alone. They always have a ton of questions for me: “Aren’t you scared?” No. Why should I be? “How can you possibly do so much by yourself?” Easy! I plan. I do a great deal of research before I leave for my destination. I don’t have…
Author: wannaseesomeworld
Finding My Way Back Home
I grew up in Orlando, Florida, but Georgia has been my home for the past two and a half years. Throughout that time, I had not been back home at all, until recently. Last month, I took a short trip to The City Beautiful and I’m so happy I did. I got to see so…
Finding My Way Around TORONTO (Part 3)
This is my third and final post about my adventures in Toronto. As you can see by my first two posts (FMWAT Pt. 1 & FMWAT Pt. 2), my pictures, and videos, I had an amazing experience visiting our northern neighbors for the first time! I learned quite a bit about Canada traveling to Toronto…
Finding My Way Around TORONTO (Part 2)
Let’s talk about Canadian art in the form of natural wonders, botanical gardens and gloriously awesome graffiti! My first full day in Toronto, I made it my mission to find the famous Graffiti Alley. I had heard that this place was an incredible sight to see and should be considered one of T.O.’s many attractions….
Praying for Peace and Safe Travel
Dear God, As I continue on this path of world exploration, I ask that you equip me with a peaceful spirit. Even when dream snatchers come my way, remind me to just smile, and keep it moving… Help me to remember that reality is an interpretation and for the interpretations of my circumstances to always be…
Finding My Way Around TORONTO (Part 1)
I just got back from spending 6 days in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and I enjoyed every minute of it! This was my first time in Canada, but I can promise you that it won’t be my last! Toronto is one of those quirky and diverse places that truly has something for everyone. I got to do a…
Travel Layaway? Yup, that’s a thing!
You know how sometimes there’s something you would like to buy, but you don’t currently have the amount of money you need to make that purchase? You can either wait until you save up enough to get that item, which might be sold out by the time you have the money to get what you wanted…
Let’s Go to T.O.!
So, my summer travel plans are unfolding nicely and I can’t wait to tell you all about it! My birthday was over the weekend on May 28th (yay me!). Having a birthday during Memorial Day weekend means I get to kick off the summer with double the fun and festivities (after honoring the fallen soldiers…
Finding My Way Around NEW ORLEANS (Part 3)
While planning my trip to New Orleans last month, I knew that I wanted to spend some time volunteering and giving back. In my post on voluntourism, I talk about how you can Vacation With Purpose and help out the communities you visit. I believe in the cycle of goodness and the law of giving;…
JUST A FEW MORE… For Your Enjoyment!- Clips of French Quarter Street Performances
Agathe Darama Two-stepping: Guitar solo: Buku Broux “White Gold”